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Carlo Ponzini

Architect, professor of the Polytechnic of Milan Faculty of Civil Architecture, of the Polytechnic of the PC pole, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, European Institute of Design, collaborator of the University of London, is the owner of a study that coordinates the C & P sas company of graphics and coordinated image and Carlo Ponzini srl, a company that designs, creates and sells interior designs. 
The architecture and engineering firm Carlo Ponzini, is engaged in the continuous research of architectural solutions aimed at man and his cultural traditions: an architecture rooted and related to the surrounding environment.


The primary objective is to be able to combine the experimental and innovative dimension with a professional multidisciplinarity able to deal with design programs of every scale. 
The studio has designed and built over the years different types of public and private buildings with residential or commercial destination, has also designed public spaces and solutions for the redesign of rural, industrial or historical areas. 


Carlo Ponzini is enrolled with the Register of the Architects of Piacenza, matriculation n.130. He is a contracted instructor of Politecnico di Milano for the Department B.E.S.T (Building Environment Science and Technology) since 1995, and he has also been the founder and coordinator of the Master in Architecture of the Agrarian Landscape, in collaboration with the Catholic University of Agriculture of Piacenza. Currently he teaches Theory and design of buildings and structures, in the bachelor course in Sciences of architecture. He is lecturer at the Politecnico branch of Piacenza and Istituto Europeo di Design, it is also collaborator of the University of London.


Carlo Ponzini is the holder of a study which coordinates the C&P sas company graphics and corporate identity and Carlo Ponzini srl, a company that designs, realizes and markets interior proposals.

There are numerous competitions to which the project team has participated.
Another field of activity is the "coordinated image" study that involves the various activities of the group, in fact in addition to the architectural and engineering project of the building, which is part of the primary activity of Studio Ponzini, we move on to the creation and realization of interiors and fittings for commercial, museum and theatrical spaces (in collaboration with Carlo Ponzini srl), up to the study of the graphic image addressed to the research of the relationship between architecture and communication, or towards the reading of the architectural product intended as a communicative message ( this activity is carried out in collaboration with C & P sas).


Particular attention is also paid to the Architecture of the Landscape also in function of in-depth studies, in consideration of which the Politecnico has entrusted Ponzini with the role of coordinator of the Master in Landscape Architecture.

Ponzini and Bancaflash

Carlo Ponzini (who is also a university lecturer: first assignment in 1997 as a professor of technology at the Milan Polytechnic; for 10 years he was a lecturer in Lighting Engineering at the European Design Institute [IED] in Milan, today he teaches Nanotechnologies and evolutionary systems of architecture University of Parma) has also put a hand in the graphic review of Bancaflash. "I have at the time rethought it - confirms the architect - as a periodical of lived life that was able to transmit emotions and capture attention, giving the news a particular visual aspect. The content and the titles are important, but it is with the graphics that the attention of communication is kept high ". The experience on this front started from afar. "I put into practice - tells Ponzini - what I did when I was an official student at the Genius of Rome. The commander, having just graduated, entrusted me with the study of the internal journal. Since the soldiers wanted to do everything but read, I studied a newspaper that attracted attention with lots of news and short, arranged in small windows and vertical bands. I gave a similar approach to Bancaflash ".

Esperienza didattica

A.A 1996-2015

Scuola di Architettura Civile, Politecnico di Milano University

 Professor on contract

Lecturer in Theory and design of buildings and structures in degree courses and Master; Teacher in Design Laboratories

2000– 2006

Facoltà di Agraria U.C.S.C. di Piacenza University

Professor on contract

Department of Rural Engineering and Architecture

2003– 2005

Politecnico di Piacenza University


Master in Landscape architecture

1982- 1992

Istituto Europeo University

Professor on contract

Teaching: theory and technique of restructuring

1991- 2000

University of North London

University External Collaborator



Politecnico di Milano University

Teaching assistant in Statics course of Prof. Buccino and expert on theme


1986- 1997

Istituto Europeo del design University







  • Industrial buildings

  • Office - commercial – residential buildings

  • Restoration of buildings

  • Restructuring

  • Places of public entertainment

  • Religious buildings

  • Sport buildings

  • School buildings

  • Urbanization of squares, integrated and detailed plans

  • Setting up of commercial spaces and hotels larger than 500 m2





Industrial buildings


  • Project, construction management, facilities, for industrial plant construction and offices of the JOBS company (factory intelligent machines / robot etc.) (1987);

  • Project for the industrial area of ​​65,000 mq.a Cortemaggiore / Agip;

  • Draft guidance for the realization of a project for a thermal process plant waste for the production of electricity for the city of Piacenza in collaboration with prof. ing. E. Vitiello and arch. N.Nasini (1997);

  • realized project of the new factory of pharmaceutical company Company Doppel Farmaceutici srl in the new residential area in the village of Casa Rossa in Cortemaggiore - Piacenza (2000/2004);

  • Project realized the headquarters logistics, Company Tre Esse Srl, of approx. 14,000 in new residential area, city: Casa Rossa in Cortemaggiore - Piacenza (2000/2002);

  • Project for the construction of a shed with integrated photovoltaic roof in the village of Bissone, Piacenza (2009)





management buildings - commercial - residential


  •  Assistant to the construction of Banca Popolare di Lodi (subsidiary of Piacenza - arch. incaricato- John Debenedetti (1986);

  •  Project, construction management, facilities for the construction of house office of the JOBS (factory intelligent /   mechatronics machines, robots) (1987);

  •  Project for the 'opening of a branch of Parma and Piacenza Savings Bank in Genoa, on behalf of the company Gadolla S.P.A.   of Genoa (1989);

  •  Design of the new corporate image of Banca di Piacenza. As for the architecture of the intervention was carried out in about   twenty years affecting both Headquarters Institute of Via Mazzini, in Piacenza, that the dependencies listed below:   



  •  Dogana - Le Mose (PC) (1990)

  •  Fiorenzuola Cappucini (PC) (1990)

  •  Agency n. 5 - Besurica (1991)

  •  Rivergaro (PC) (1991)

  •  Roveleto di Cadeo (PC) (1991)

  •  Pianello (PC) (1992/93)

  •  San Nicolo '(PC) (1992/93)

  •  Pontenure (PC) (1993/94)

  •  Agency n. 1 - (1995)

  •  Agency n. 10 (1997)

  •  Fiorenzuola (PC) (2000/01)

  •  Fidenza (PR) (2002)

  •  Cremona 2004/05

  •  Iper-Coop Montale (PC) 2006/07

  •  Borgonovo (PC) 2007/08 

  •  Project in the former Agip canteen of a nursing home for the elderly, in Cortemaggiore (PC) (1992-93).

  •  Design and implementation of a directional residential commercial center in Cervia (RA) (1993-1996) -Competition   invitational

  •  Project for the construction of offices and shops in Piacenza in Via Veneto corner with Via Bianchi Piacenza. (1995-96).

  •  Design and construction of two villas in Cervia (RA) (1994-95).

  •  Design and implementation of the residency building, 26 apartments in Via Balsamo in Piacenza. (1992-95)

  •  Reset of Villa Maria and rustic adjacent to the creation of 16 accommodation in Turro (PC). (1994-95)

  •  Design and construction of a residential building for the construction of 15 housing and related services to "Galleana" in   Piacenza 15,000 cubic meters. (1992-96)

  •  Project and management of two residential / commercial buildings with commercial space on the ground floor and 36   apartments distributed on 4 floors on the area of ​​the former Agricultural Consortium in via Manfredi -PC; m. 4500 (1995-   2003)

  •  Food Center in Berlin, Germany: restaurant, bar, ice cream parlor and spaces for the sale of local products (2000/02) for the   Provincial Agricultural Cooperative.

  •  Project of a building (7 apartments) in via Giovanni di Saliceto corner via Vitali (Pc), (2002 / during construction).

  •  Project for an auditorium / multi-purpose room in the barracks of the Guardia di Finanza in Piacenza (2003)

  •  Restructuring of residence in Monaco (Principality of Monaco) (2003).

  •  Project and management of 40 accommodation in Piacenza in Via Bolzoni. (2001-2004).

  •  Project for the construction of residential buildings location Posta Cavalli in Fiorenzuola D'Arda, Pc (2002-04)

  •  Project for the new headquarters in the former USL General warehouses in Piacenza.

  •  Design and construction of two buildings at its tertiary residential (for a total of 26 rooms) in the former Agricultural   Consortium site in Rivergaro (PC), (2005/07).

  •  Shopping center in Reggio Emilia (2007/08).

  •  Construction of building multi-storey residential area in Piacenza former area Mazzoni foundry (2008).

  •  Design and construction of the new subsidiary Banca di Piacenza, Sempione, 71 Milan (2010)

  •  Project of house protected in Caratta (PC) (2012)• Project of rural court restructuring project in Veano (PC) (2015)

  •  Design and construction supervision of the restructuring of the new branch of the Banca di Piacenza in Milan, Corso Porta   Vittoria (2015)




  •  Internal Restoration of the main hall of the Gothic Palace in Piacenza. (1988). Contract competition (1st place).

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of residential building in Via Carducci, Piacenza. (1993-96).

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of the residential palace in via Felice Frasi, Piacenza. (1996)

  •  Restoration of Palazzo Fogliani in Via S. Giovanni in Piacenza for the Opera per la preservazione della fede- functions   provided: local pilgrim reception, chapel, and several local volunteer associations, gym, dining room, museum (1997 / 2001)

  •  Diocesan Museum Project for the Diocese of Piacenza and Bobbio in Palazzo Fogliani, via S. Giovanni n. 7 in Piacenza

  •  Restoration of Palazzo Galli for the Bank of Piacenza, Via Mazzini 12 in Piacenza. (1998- during construction)

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of Roda rustic complex in Fiorenzuola d'Arda. (2002)

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of the complex Ca' Nera. (Piacenza) (2002/05)

  •  Restoration and recovery of rural buildings Posta Cavalli in Fiorenzuola d'Arda. (2002/5)

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of the complex "La Pusterla" rustic in Piacenza (2005-2008)

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of former Inail building in Piacenza Piazza Tempio. (2007/08)

  •  Restoration and renovation of Palazzo San Siro in Piacenza. (2007/08)

  •  Restoration and rehabilitation of the building of the Municipality in Bologna. (2008)

  •  Cascina San Savino Recovery Project (2012)




  •  Renovation of a building in Via San Giovanni 38 / c in Piacenza. (1989)

  •  Restructuring of commercial and residential building on Via Pace in Piacenza. (1989-95)

  •  Renovation of a residential building in Via San Giovanni 38 / b, Pc. (1994)

  •  Restructuring of residential commercial building in Via XX Settembre, Piacenza. (1994-1996)

  •  Project for the renovation of a building owned by the town in via Confalonieri, in Piacenza for the construction of mini /   accommodation for the elderly. (1990 - 1998)

  •  Building Renovation in via Mazzini in Piacenza: INVEST. (1990-91)

  •  Project for the renovation of the nursing home dr. G.Perini in Cortemaggiore, Pc. (1991-2001).

  •  Project of the renovation of former warehouse Pelli di Capucciati in Via Gobbi Belcredi, Pc. (2004/08)


Public entertainment venues


  •  Excelsior Cinema Restructuring Project in via Manfredi in Piacenza. (1989)

  •  Museum tour in the plant generating electricity with an exhibition gallery guided tour;

  •  Realization of Multiplex cinema - theater - conference room "Universal" in via Roccatagliata in Genoa. (1990)

  •  Disco on undeground of 7.50 m in the Palace of Entertainment in via Roccatagliata Ceccardi in Genoa. (1990)

  •  Renovation of the Auditorium of the "European Business School" University of Management in Collecchio (Parma). (1990-92)

  •  Project \ feasibility study for the Teatro Filodrammatica of Piacenza (1993).

  •  Project for a multiplex cinema in the shopping center "Le Gru" in Grugliasco (Turin). (1991-1995)

  •  restructuring project  of auditorium of the Cinema Rome in Via Latina ang. via Bolzano in Grugliasco (Turin). (1991-1993)

  •  sports redevelopment project at "Le forche" and renovation of the former bowling alley as a multi-purpose hall in the town   of Bettola-  Piacenza(2003- 2008)

  •  Project for set-up of the painting exhibition: "Gaspare Landi", Palazzo Galli, Piacenza (2004)

  •  Project for set-up of the painting exhibition: "Bot", Palazzo Galli, Piacenza (2006/07).

  •  Project for se-up of the painting exhibition "Guareschi", on the occasion of the centenary of the birth and forty years after his   death, at the Palazzo Galli, Piacenza (2008)

  •  Project for set-up of the exhibition "The War of the Nation. Italy 1915-1918, Palazzo Galli, Piacenza (2009)


Religious buildings


  •  Restructuring of Church of Santa Trinità crypt in via Manfredi in Piacenza. (1990)

  •  Project for the completation of the church of Santa Trinità in Piacenza.1991-98

  •  Renovation of the Sanctuary of Madonna del Perpetuo Aiuto in Scorzoletta (Pv) (1991-95)

  •  Project for the resettlement area Santa Trinita' in with the design of a multi-storey car park for 520 autovetture.1991-03

  •  Project for the restoration of Salice Terme parish. (1995)

  •  Project for the extension of the multipurpose hall for the parish of Castelnuovo in Borgonovo (PC) 1999-01

  •  Project for the construction of a chapel of 5,000 square meters at the disposal of the Santa Trinità in Piacenza with   multipurpose hall (PC) 2004-08

  •  Project of the church complex restoration of the Church of Seminò, Piacenza (2011)

  •  Expansion oratory Corpus Domini Piacenza (2011)


Buildings for sport


  •  Renovation of the Rowing Club Nino Bixio of Piacenza. (1988)

  •  Project for a Sports Centre in Roncaglia (PC), client: Italian Rowing Federation. (1989/94).

  •  Project for the completion of the Sports Centre "Querceto" in Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Pc. (1996).


School buildings


  •  European businees school manegement University of Parma in Villa Ferlaro 1990-92.

  •  Catholic University of Piacenza 2nd Congress Centre. 1997-98

  •  Project for an auditorium / meeting room inside the Catholic University of Piacenza (1997-98)

  •  Catholic University of Piacenza, Faculty of Education 1999/2003

  •  Designer furnishing assembly hall of the Polytechnic of Milan headquarters of Piacenza (2003).


Urbanization of areas, plazas, integrated plans and detailed plans


  •  Integrated Plan for the recovery of the square in front of the church Santa Trinità of Piacenza (urban renewal) with the   creation of 200 underground garages and 100 on the surface, the surface of 2000 square meters destined to parish   services.  (1992-03)

  •  Integrated plan for a 10,000 square meter area. in Piacenza, disused area in the area Galleana former Agricultural   Consortium Via Manfredi. (1996)

  •  Piazza Marconi in Cremona, with the creation of multi-storey car park (1997).

  •  Area of ​​135,000 square meters in Cortemaggiore, destined to square, park, trade, craft and industrial (1992-2003)

  •  Project of the Station Square accommodation in Albisola, Savona, with the creation of a multi-storey car park, the library,   the  new station and the archaeological museum (2004).

  •  Project of arrangement of Pigazzano square (PC), with the creation of a car park and a newly developed village, tourist, with   spaces for village festivals and markets, pedestrian paths and landscaping (2008).

  •  Design of a housing development (20 single-family villas and 4 four-family buildings) in residential locations Besurica /   Piacenza (2007/08).

  •  Project of a housing development (10 villas single-family) residential locations Pigazzano / PC (2008).

  •  Project for the construction of a unified plan for the expansion of Catholic University in Piacenza (2010)

  •  Project for the construction of seven independent units in La Verza (2011)

  •  Project for the construction of four independent units in Piacenza (2011)

  •  Design and Supervision of building complex works in Luino, Varese (2011)

  •  Sustainable design for the creation of a resort in Cervia (Ravenna) (2012)

  •  Implementation Master Plan area Veggioletta (2012)


Construction of commercial and hotel space with more than sqm. 500


  •   Supermarket "SICO" G/S in via Montegrappa in Genoa (1989)

  •   Hotel Restaurant "PINO" in Cesenatico (Forlì). (1990-91)

  •  "Hardware store"in Via Beati in Piacenza (1993),

  •  "Glassware" in Via Santo Stefano in Bologna (1994)

  •  "Furniture shop" in via Genoa in Piacenza. (1986)

  •   Accommodation for the Poltrona Frau on hotel in the Adriatic coast, (Nord-Est in Rimini, Bellevue Rimini etc.)

  •   Residence Alberghiero "Tintoretto" in Cervia (RA) (2001-03).

  •   Sales area in Reggio Emilia.




  •  Design assumptions for the realization of a kitchen "Removable covers" for the company "SALVARANI" and "RB". (1987)

  •  Study the image for a franchise stores "pronto pizza" (1990)

  •  Creation of furniture for the Banca di Piacenza. (1998/2004)

  •  Fixtures for the company Valenti (1990)

  •  Poltrona dell’Universale produced by the firm Right (1990)

  •  Armchair for conference room at the Catholic University. (1996).




  •  Competition Domus "One thing that is in the lead in his pocket" (reported);

  •  Competition for a sports center in Castell'Arquato, in collaboration with architects and Fontanini Fumagalli;

  •  Competition for the renovation of the lobby of the Gothic Palace in Piacenza for the creation of a museum space. 1st place   in  collaboration with Ing. Paolo Milani and Eng. Ferruccio Rossetti and arch.Cantoni (work created in 1992);

  •  Competition for the study of the lifting system between Bergamo low and high;

  •  Competition for a olimpic pool, and a recreation center in association with ing. Paolo Milani and Ferruccio Rossetti. (1993) -   (reported);

  •  Competition for a Residential, Commercial and Offices Centre in Cervia (Ravenna) - (1994/97) - (1st place);

  •  Competition for a multilevel parking in Fiorenzuola (PC) .1995 in association with ing. P.Milani and F.Rossetti. (3rd place);

  •  Competition for the realization of a project for a thermal process plant waste for the production of electricity for the city of   Piacenza, with prof. ing. And Vitiello and arch. N.Nasini (1997) - (1st place);

  •  Provisional Award for multistorey car park, Stazione 1 in Piacenza. (1998)

  •  Provisional Award for the competition procurement of a multiplex in Oggiono-Lecco (1999)

  •  Provisional Award competition for the contract of a INAIL building in Vigevano (2001).

  •  Competition for the arrangement of Piazza Cittadella in Piacenza 1st and 2nd stage (pending competition) with arch. Luca   Scacchetti (2001).

  •  Competition for the accommodation of Albisola Station, (Sv) 2004.

  •  Call for accommodation Piazza S. Antonino (2006)

  •  Ideas competition, by invitation for the accommodation of military areas, in Piacenza (2007)





Admitted to the appropriate Department of Structural Engineering of Politecnico di Milano


  • Assistant supervisor on tesi of:

  • Master degree in Architecture “Ex Scali Ferroviari – Milano Rogoredo: Stazione di Milano Rogoredo come luogo di transito e approdo per la città.” Studenti: S. M. Ammendola, R. Lucchese, V. Zanuso (anno 2010);

  • Master degree in Architecture “Ex Scali Ferroviari – Milano Rogoredo: riqualificazione stabilimento Adafrigor: cohousing come forma di risiedere collettivo.“ Studenti: S. Peragine, A. Tosi (anno 2010);

  • Master degree in Architecture “Ex Scali Ferroviari – Milano Rogoredo: riqualificazione stabilimento Pirelli: Community Center come nuova fabbrica di creatività.” Studenti: M. Quaranta, A. Zanella (anno 2010);

  • Master degree in Architecture “La residenza e la città – AMSTERDAM: AUP Vs. PARKSTAD – Il piano di espansione del 1935 e la politica dei nuovi interventi – Slotermeer Noordoever.” Studente: M. Sala (anno 2010);

  • Master degree in Architecture “La residenza e la città – AMSTERDAM: AUP Vs. PARKSTAD – Il piano di espansione del 1935 e la politica dei nuovi interventi – Laan van Spartalaan.” Studenti: G. Bassetti e N. Roncelli (anno 2010);

  • Master degree in Architecture " Città Sesia: usi di città e comunità nella media e alta valle - Proposte progettuali per i comuni di Varallo e Alagna, Valsesia". Studenti: D. Pè, S. Penati, F. Campana (anno 2011);

  • Master degree in Architecture “Città-Sesia: usi di città e comunità nella bassa, media e alta valle Borgosesia. Stazione e mobilità urbana”. Studente: Simone De Petri (anno 2012);

  • Master degree in Architecture “Città-Sesia: usi di città e comunità nella Bassa, Media ed Alta Valle. Proposta progettuale per una nuova stazione nel comune di Varallo”. Studente: Rui Guo (anno 2012);

  • Master degree in Architecture “Città-Sesia: usi delle risorse naturali nella media valle. I giardini di Palazzo d’Adda a Varallo”. Studente: Qi Wang (anno 2013)

  • Master degree in Architecture “Ljubljana: riqualificazione dell’ex scalo ferroviario Ljubljana-Siska”. Studente: Laura Bellatorre (anno 2013);





  • Specialization in technology of public facilities and public spaces.

  • Obtaining the Certificate of Achievement in English ( Level B2 ) at Alpha Collage of English in relation to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​( CEFR )

  •  Achievement of the certificate of attendance at the course on safety prevention under Legislative Decree 81/2008

  • Certificate on course for Technical Energy Certification of buildings referred to D.G.R. VII / 8745 of 22 December 2008 , in section 16.2 

  • external collaborator of the magazine Costruire per Abitare;

  • Collaborator with the italian newspapers Italia oggi and Milano Finanza , writing articles for the architectural column ( since January 1994 ) ;

  • Coordinator of the master's degree in landscape architecture at the Politecnico di Piacenza 2003-2005 ;

  • external collaborator at the University of North London

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